M音樂 / 教學進修Ms Lam[紅磡區及黃埔區]

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•女導師,8年教學經驗 •靈活利用不同教材,全面提升聽,唱,認譜以及彈奏技巧 •配合律動(Body movements)和達爾克羅茲(Dalcroze Eurhythmics)教學,用身體感受節奏, 音程, 風格等音樂概念 •堂上為學生錄製影片以助家中練習(Effective Practices) •耐心教導,樂於與學生/家長溝通 •用心辦好音樂,致力培育下一批小小演奏家

北角補習社 提供小學至初中補習服務 詳情:https://fruitfullearning.wixsite.com/home
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The College About The College Wah Yan College, Hong Kong is a grant-in-aid secondary school in Hong Kong. It was founded on December 16, 1919, by Tsui Yan Sau Peter. It is a Roman Catholic secondary

祂的恩典乃是一生之久。一宿雖然有哭泣,早晨便必歡呼。(詩30:5) For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5) The long-standing

Our Lady of the Rosary College was founded by the Sister Announcers of the Lord in 1971. We follow the preventive model of educational philosophy founded by Don Bosco, the great educator. We move stu

A New Era for Ying Wa in the Footsteps of Morrison When we celebrate the 200 th anniversary of the arrival of Rev Morrison in China in 2007, Ying Wa enters a New Era? An era which exemplifies the fou


CCC Heep Woh College is a school seeking excellence. It is a family rich in tradition as the origin can be traced back to 1911 when Mrs. Bigelow set up Heep Woh Kindergarten in Guangzhou. We try our

School Vision & Mission Po Leung Kuk aims at a quality education for all, advocates an all-round education embracing the academic, moral, physical, social and aesthetic aspects「德、智、體、群、美」, and ta

School Mission 使命 To develop students’ analytical and critical thinking skills and their academic and cognitive abilities To cultivate students’ enthusiasm for the pursuit of knowledge, p

學之園幼稚園暨雙語幼兒園是因應對 優質雙語 幼兒教育的熱切需求而創立,培育兒童的自信與卓越技能;為他們的學習與成長作好準備。 兒童可透過參加各項課外活動,從遊戲中學習。每項學習活動均根據兒童發展的步伐和需要而設計,並由專業導師帶領,以確保活動的適切。 我們為歲半至七歲兒童提供多種不同的課外活動,茲逐一列舉如下 : 青衣校 童創路 (AV) 創意音樂 (MV) 海逸校 幼稚園準備班 (GRK) 童

東莞同鄉會方樹泉學校位於九龍油麻地東莞街,為東莞同鄉總會屬下小學之一。蒙方樹泉先生慨捐巨款興建,並於一九七零年建成啟用,故命名為東莞同鄉會方樹泉學校。 校監均由當屆東莞同鄉總會選出之主席擔任,副主席任校董並有其他部門主任加入為校董會成員,協助推行校務工作。 本校為政府資助全日制小學,由校長、副校長與全體老師共同編訂全年之工作計劃,每月校長主持行政會議及校務會議,與主任共同商討行政決策及興革事宜。
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